Free Downloads

Sarah & Matthew are two star crossed lovers with one ancient curse. Never miss a moment of this reincarnation series...

INFINITY: Detroit Nights

Matthew is your average prohibition era teen until he’s kidnapped by gangsters & forced to brew illegal alcohol. The beautiful but deadly Sarah Brodeur is the girlfriend of a notorious mobster. Matthew locks horns with her from the very start. She loathes the southern bigot & the feeling is mutual. As they fall prey to the dangers of the criminal underworld Sarah & Matthew form an attraction as deadly as it is undeniable…

Please support the Infinity series by rating any books you’ve already read on Amazon. Only well rated books become movies. Thank you for being a reader 🙂

109 thoughts on “Free Downloads

  1. I really like the Infinity series and I was wondering if you will be adding the mature novels to the FREE downloads page even if it’s just temporarily?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Emma,
      Thank you for being a reader and for taking the time to leave a comment. I have considered making my mature novels available for free download but they contain violence, sex, and offensive language. They also feature controversial subjects such as racism and American slavery. Even when I leave warnings for such things there are ignorant trolls complaining about things they were warned about. So I have decided to leave it up to you, the readers. If you feel I should add the mature stories to FREE downloads please leave a comment. Your opinion matters 🙂


      1. As long as warning is listed,they can make their own minds about it. If they don’t bother to read the warning it is on them! Everyone is different as are their taste. I vote yes!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I vote yes, as an adult I always look acthe synopsis before begining a book as my time is precious so by stating the warning if I would be offended I would pass on the book.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you so much for leaving a message! It is a great help to me when readers can see that the mature stories are posted because there are people who want to read them, not because I want to be offensive. I appreciate your comment 🙂


      4. I believe an author, or poet ,or artist etc shouldn’t be limited on what other people think. You are caring enough to add warnings to your books. Truthfully you shouldn’t have too, but that is a kindness on your part and it shows you care about your readers. On that note, I vote yes, and if you add warnings it is on the reader if they do not pay attention to the warning. It’s horrible when you have to be careful what you say for fear of offending people, well I get offended by the offended person.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Dear Sandra,

        What you said truly hit home with me. I grew up never having seen a warning on a book and I survived. If I started reading something that wasn’t my flavor I set it aside and read something else without going on the internet and bashing the author in a fascist march towards censorship. My warnings are mainly for children because kids are not the same as they were when I was younger. My husband read about a tragic rise in teen suicides and he asked me if the world has become worse with regard to bullying. To which I replied that my grandmother and great grandfather came from generations that integrated the schools. Children were beaten, some were raped. My grandmother admitted that girls would break glass soda bottles and shove black students down on the shards. That’s when she wasn’t being sexually harassed by male students who felt they had a right to her because of their upbringing in the Jim Crow south while teachers turned a blind eye. These generations endured some of the worst bullying in history and lived to become mothers and fathers who raised resilient children. Nowadays kids hang themselves if someone insults their shoes on Facebook. This deeply saddens me and until we figure out why children are becoming so fragile I’ll place warnings on my books.

        Thanks so much for reading my stories and for leaving a message. your words meant a lot to me 🙂


      6. Hi Carolyn,

        Thanks so much for helping with your comment! I have received a few complaints despite the fact that they are labeled with warnings. I try to be respectful and courteous of everyone. Thanks again 🙂



    1. Dear Agnus,
      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. As I remain torn between the decisions to post all stories or just a few, every opinion is helpful to me. Naturally, the last thing I want is to offend readers but as a writer I look up to great authors who came before me. One of my favorite writers of all time is Oscar Wilde, a man who was arrested and jailed for writing The Picture of Dorian Gray. Any fan of classic literature would be able to tell you this is his most famous work to date, an extraordinary piece of literature was considered obscene by readers at the time. I remain forever grateful to Oscar Wilde for staying intrepid in the face of censorship, without such courage a remarkable work would have never seen the light of day. Thank you again for leaving a comment I will take every opinion into consideration when making this decision. Also, do you feel I should not post the mature stories at all or are you telling me to do so with a warning label?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for taking a moment to speak. I am considering posting the mature novels with a warning or sending them directly to the readers who are interested. I value and appreciate your opinion 🙂


  2. I’m Fine with the Strong Language and Subject Material -If You Put a Warning Label on the Content, The Buyer Knows That – If They Download it to Read – They ARE CONSENTING to the Fact You Have WARNED THEM – That SHOULD BE ENOUGH – I Somewhat Agree That These Complainers Maybe Not the Sharpest Tools in the Shed – You Just Can Not Help the So-Called Morons

    Liked by 1 person

  3. To the Folks Who Don’t Like the Naughty Versions … If You Do Not Like These “Naughty Versions” Then Don’t Download Them Then !!! Some Folks Love the EXTRA SPICE that this adds to Our Reading – You Know Shakespeare was a Little foul-mouthed Too !!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree, if you do not like them extra spicy just do not order them. Maybe mark them some way that they are extra spicy and not for all — maybe with a “RR” – “Really Racy”, so those that do not want them will know not to download them.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. If your stories require sex and foul language that is a lack of creativity and talent. A good story can be written without that crap. People have done so for hundreds of years.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Coreen,
      I agree that people have been making chaste stories for hundreds of years, but we have also written tales of violence, sexuality, and yes even foul language for millennia. For example: The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Kama Sutra and many more. While I respect your point of view, as an author I see things a little differently. Human beings experience many emotions and behaviors. Whether it’s love, rage, passion, sorrow, humor, or lust I believe it all belongs on the page. When writers begin to cherry-pick which emotions and actions are acceptable to write about the characters can become cheesy, one dimensional, and unrelatable. I prefer to write the entire person, not just a preapproved checklist of generic traits. Thank you for taking a moment to talk. Without your opinion readers wouldn’t understand my reluctance to post the mature stories.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dear Bazzle50,

        Thanks so much for your thoughtful and hilarious comment 🙂 I also feel like creative writing is on its deathbed. Most days I’m struggling to write with my hands cuffed behind my back, typing the keys with my nose.


  6. Censorship is tricky even when it’s self-censorship. As long as it’s labeled I feel as a Christian and a history major that both views are respected. Huckleberry Finn is so important yet many want it banned. Some places ban the Bible. It’s a slippery slope.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Stephanie,
      I was born in the state of Missouri where every third school is named Mark Twain. I was a very young child when I was forced to write mandatory book reports on stories with a character called Nigger Jim. Forced to praise the name of an author who would have called me Nigger to my face, and then deal with the abuse of every child in my all white class who felt it would be acceptable to call me this slur because their hero Mark Twain wrote it. I don’t feel that Mark Twain books should be banned but I do not want them forced onto my child. Everyone has a different opinion of what is appropriate. I for one never liked Beauty and the Beast. It’s not a love story, in my opinion, just a sick tale about a girl with Stockholm Syndrome. The Beast imprisoned Belle, made himself her master, controlled her comings and goings, and blew up when his staff fed her without his permission. He controlled, screamed, and intimidated Belle and all of this was okay because there were singing cups and plates. I think it’s inappropriate to teach young girls that it’s romantic to be a man’s prisoner. I think it’s dangerous to teach young women that they can change controlling monsters with explosive tempers. Hospitals, battered women’s shelters, and morgues are full of naive girls who thought they could change a beast. Yet the same hypocrites who allow their impressionable children to watch this crap want to censor every word I put on the page of a novel written for ADULTS! Thank you for your valuable input. I agree that classic literature has value. I love and respect it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I thought the same thing with Beauty and the Beast. Before it was a nice story but after being with an abuser I see the story differetly now and it bothers me. I honestly thought it was only me that thought that way about disney movies. As a child they are cute and fun to watch but as adult I’m not happy with them. Especially when the ones that are creating the scenes are putting in foul words and racy pictures in the scenes, like subliminal messages to the kids.They hide them in plain sight to see who catches them.
        As far as what books to post for download there is an alternate way to do it. I have seen some authors basically write 2 versions of their books, or Write a watered down version and then if you want the racy scenes download these chapters over here. That way they reader has to see the warning and has to physically download it themselves.
        My personal opinion is you shouldn’t have to as an author. There are many different people on this planet so we have many different types of books, so pick what you want. It’s not like you as an author are forcing these books on us as readers. I do believe I see a “download what book you like” somewhere on the page.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I agree. Beauty and the Beast is horrifying on so many levels lol. What you said about the two versions of the book is an excellent idea! I may write a rated pg 13 version of “Book of Matthew” for my underage Infinity fans. Thank you so much for such a wonderful suggestion 🙂


      3. What a great and noble response, Ms. Dubois! I am REALLY looking forward to reading your work after reading that comment. As for Belle, I have often wondered along the same lines regarding the movie, Pretty Woman. I loved the movie, but couldn’t help wondering how many silly impressionable young girls became prostitutes thinking it their best hope of getting a billionaire husband.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Dear Bazzle50,

        You raised such a fascinating point that got the gears in my mind turning. Thank you so much for your comments. I hate to admit to being the only one on earth who hasn’t seen ‘Pretty Woman’. Thank you for breaking it down for me. I believe ‘Pretty Woman’ was celebrated as a modern day Cinderella story. Even with a topic as offensive as prostitution, the story was beloved by Americans because it was about a white woman. Like most people with a beating heart and a womb, I adore Cinderella stories no matter what time period they take place in. But I have noticed a blatant sense of hypocrisy and racist double standards when it comes to these stories. The ‘Book of Matthew’ is a Cinderella story and you would be appalled at the criticism and outright hatred I have received from hypocrites who haven’t even read the books. How do I know they haven’t read the books? They often admit it. How do I know they are hypocrites? Because the ‘Book of Matthew’ and ‘Book of Matthew II’ are listed in Historical Romance, a genre that is full of stories about powerless white women who marry far above their stations. If you look at the Goodreads, Blogs, and Bookbub pages of these hypocrites you will find dozens of glowing reviews for books where a lowly white scullery maid won the heart of a duke, prince, or king. During a time when royalty and nobility had absolute power over their subjects, these men could have your entire family murdered and hung from the city gates if you refused their advances. They could accuse you of witchcraft and burn you at the stake if you denied a nobleman. A white woman of low standing had no greater power to refuse her prince than a black slave had to refuse her master’s son. So why am I crucified for my black Cinderella stories while white writers are praised for their European stories? I have no idea. All I know is that just because an era of history is known for its misogyny doesn’t mean that this particular character was coerced into a relationship in this particular book. I feel that every story should be judged on its own merit, including mine. After all, Cinderella herself was no more than a slave who won the heart of a man above her station. Cinderella was an unpaid laborer, who was forced to live in squalid conditions, and eat the left over scraps from the dinner table of those she served. At one point she was locked in the cellar like an animal. In some versions of this story she was even whipped across the back. Does any of this sound familiar? All I ask is for readers to approach ‘Book of Matthew’ with the same open mind and consideration they exercise when exploring white Cinderella stories. As for ‘Pretty Woman’, it’s an American classic and I’m looking forward to watching it for the first time tonight. But I doubt a Cinderella story about a black prostitute would have been so well received in the 80’s. Thanks again for all your inspiring comments and I hope you enjoy my books 🙂



  7. Thank you so much for the downloads! I got them all, and am very excited to start reading! I was linked here from a free e-book newsletter. And thank you for the Mature warning. I’m not bothered by it, but it’s always good to know what to expect. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Personally, so far I love your books….I am getting ready to download the rest later…. If those people cannot see that it states “ADULT” on them than they have no reason to complain….I have heard worse things come out of the mouths of young and teenage children….If I had spoke as the children of today do not only would I had had my mouth washed out with a bar of soap, I would have had by A$$, butt, whatever you want to call it thoroughly torn up with a belt.  Don’t worry sweetie, I think there are enough people that love your work that you will not have to worry about the haters…..  Have a great day and Fourth weekend

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I think this is freedom of speech America. Those who dont like mature books should simply overlook them. If you identify the books as mature and what that means, those interested can download. You can’t please everyone, so don’t try. You are a talented, sought after author. Don’t deny the public of your books. (I put Mrs in from of my name, only so you will know I’m female.)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. i am almost finished with book of matthew, i absolutely love it. is there going to be another with the same characters or is this a one off

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Edna,
      Thank you for taking the time to send me a message. The ‘Book of Matthew’ has the same main characters as all of the ‘Infinity’ books but it’s a growner sexier lifetime. I intend to release the ‘Book of Matthew II” on Halloween. It takes place during the Civil War and I’ll have it for free download if anyone is interested. Every story on the Free Downloads page features Sarah and Matthew as main characters but the ‘Book of Matthew II’ will be the only one with the same setting as ‘Book of Matthew’. I truly appreciate your inquiry. Thank you for being a reader! 🙂


      1. I agree with those who have said that if you put a warning on the books then if people don’t want to read it don’t get that book.
        Is there any order in which we should read you books? Thank you for the free downloads.
        By the way I also am from Missouri and I hate the word (……) I can’t even bring myself to write it.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Dear Carolyn,
        Thanks so much for leaving a message and helping me find a solution. All of the stories on the FREE DOWNLOADS page feature the same main characters but since they take place in completely different lifetimes there is no particular order to read them in. You can jump into the series with any time period that seems interesting to you and this won’t spoil the other books. Here’s a fist bump for being from the “show me” state 🙂

        Thank you for being a reader!


      3. Well, for some reason I cannot get your wonderful sounding books to download to my Kindle Fire… it’s so sad, I have tried a few different things and nothing is cooperating…. I do not think I had this much trouble before with any books…

        Liked by 1 person

      4. i have a fire and you are right it was hard, i had to save the email in order to open the book each time an then search for my last page read. it would have been easier if it was a pdf or better a book funnel

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Dear Chris,
    I’m truly sorry that the story wouldn’t open. They are not ebooks so they cannot be read with a Kindle app, a Nook app, or any other ebook app. They are just pdf documents so they should have been in your files or downloads. What I can do is mail out the paperbacks free of charge if you feel comfortable emailing a physical address to me. I can’t make them available on Kindle because that leads to fraudulent reviews. The moment your novel is on the top 100 bestsellers list every author you passed on that list has a motive to give you one star reviews. Every author who wants to get on that list can give you one star reviews with links to their own books in order to divert customers. Amazon does nothing about these shady business practices. They won’t even delete the fake reviews and I can’t afford the damage it does to my name when authors sabotage each other. But if you email me I will gladly have the paperbacks shipped from Barnes and Noble today. So sorry for the inconvenience. I look forward to hearing from you 🙂


  11. i saved the email and opened it each time to read but when i wanted the second book i was reading… revelations… my niece purchased it from barnes and nobles for me. i will have to look into how i will get any others

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Edna,
      Thank you for helping. Is there a book platform that isn’t Kindle but would work as well with your Kindle device? I would prefer to make it easy to read the books without sabotaging myself by putting them on Amazon. ALL SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME 🙂


      1. some authors put send their books thru bookfunnel. that app lets you get the book as mobi which is kindle, pdf or nook. i get a lot of books that way for authors who may for whatever reason dont use amazon. here is the link

        Liked by 1 person

    2. How were you able to do that? Did you save the email on your Kindle? I do not use my Kindle for emails generally. I do go online to FaceBook, internet searches, play games, download books and read books. I am not sure how you were able to process the books to your Kindle.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I use Book Funnel all the time, that would be great and an easy way to download your books to those of us that use our Kindles to read out books…Please let me know if you decide to do that.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I went on Book Funnel last night and started adding books. As soon as I figure out how to distribute them I’ll let you know. I truly appreciate the suggestion! I also received emails from readers who have a Nook app on their Kindle devices and phones. The books can be read with that app, it saves your place everytime, and it doesn’t require the purchase of a Nook. They also said that the document should be saved to your device before reading that way you’re not revisiting the email everytime. Thanks folks 🙂


    1. I am Fluffy413 & Chris Baker – these are my replies on your message page…. I cannot wait for you to have it all set up….I think you will get more readers than you may think…. edna hamptonJuly 16, 2020 at 2:50 pm some authors put send their books thru bookfunnel. that app lets you get the book as mobi which is kindle, pdf or nook. i get a lot of books that way for authors who may for whatever reason dont use amazon. here is the link BookFunnel

      Fluffy413July 17, 2020 at 6:27 am How were you able to do that? Did you save the email on your Kindle? I do not use my Kindle for emails generally. I do go online to FaceBook, internet searches, play games, download books and read books. I am not sure how you were able to process the books to your Kindle. Fluffy413July 17, 2020 at 6:23 amI use Book Funnel all the time, that would be great and an easy way to download your books to those of us that use our Kindles to read out books…Please let me know if you decide to do that. Fluffy413July 17, 2020 at 6:44 am Wonderful, just let us know when everything is set up…..have a great weekend!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. my kindle has an email app already installed i use it when i dont have my laptop with me since i dont use my phone for emails. so i just save the email mark it as unread then access the book that way but if she starts using book funnel then i wont have to do that

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I have never used the email on my Kindle…but like you said if Ms Dubois starts using Book Funnel I won’t have to worry about doing that I could download them directly to my Kindle.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. this is how it works, when you click the link above it takes you to a page where the book is shown. you click on the link that will take you to another page that will ask you what device you have. since i have a kindle i click on that which will take me to another page. you ciick on mobi an it will send you a link to whatever email you entered. once you get the email you then click on the book funnel link that will take you to a page. if you have the app which i do then you click on that an it will send the book to your kindle. i dont think i missed any steps but i checked an the book is in my library

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a mobi and epub reading devices. Both apps can be added to phones, Nooks, Kindles (fairly sure), and your computer. Since I have many books on both of my readers, I am downloading books to my computer. When downloading your books, I had the opportunity to download mobi or epub versions. Personally, I am using epub as they are more accessible. The app I use to read the books on my computer is overdrive. I can move the books up to Google, Apple, Kindle or Nook. Google and Apple are via the computer, but to move to Kindle or Nook I have to attach my device to the computer. When downloading your books, BF opened which gave me the choice of where and type of file I wanted. I am looking forward to reading the books when I get through my TBR list. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Awesome!!!!! I have my codes, going download them now….. Sorry, I just love cats….I think they are my spirit animals…I have lost some (passed away type of lost) and I know that they are with me all the time…. 


    Liked by 1 person

      1. I have three boys….Max, Ricky, & Kevin. Max just turned 9 years old and Ricky & Kevin are litter mates and just turned 2 years old….just like having children again…..

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Yes, I think you should include the adult racy books. If people cannot read your warnings of content then that is their issue. I love books that have more adult content. But, of course, I love dark dark romances too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for leaving your input! I was considering posting “Revelations” but that one is rated Mature for… pretty much everything lol. Now that I know there are readers like you who enjoy the dark dark romances I will probably get that one posted too. Thank you for reading and commenting. It’s very helpful to me 🙂


  16. Hi Catalina!
    I found you on Goodreads, well actually you found me :). And then I saw your books. I would like to download and read Infinity series, but don’t know where to start from. In what order should I start?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Mr. Djuric,
      Your review of Nebo nema miljenike was very interesting and heartfelt. I will be readining that story as soon as I’m not being crushed beneath the deadline for Book of Matthew II. To answer your question, the books of the Infinity series have the same main characters but they take place in different lifetimes so there is no particular order to read them in. Find a time period that seems interesting to you and jump right in. No book will ever spoil another. On the rare occasion that one of my stories must be read in sequence there will be a note in bold print at the beginning of the description to inform you what book to read first. Thank you for being a reader and taking the time to leave a message! 🙂

      Stay safe and have a wonderful day,


  17. Hi, I just want to thank you and tell you how grateful I am for this wonderful opportunity to read your books.the short videos just want me to get on reading them. I just love all historical genre. I’m addicted to it, lol! Thanks again for the opportunity to enjoy you writing. I’ll keep my eyes open for the one coming out on October 31. A very thankful reading and teacher.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lourdes,
      I also love historical books. I keep getting asked by readers when I will write a present day story but the modern world doesn’t keep my interest for the six months it would require to write the book lol. The closest I could come to writing a present day book was “INFINITY: Detroit Nights” which is prohibition era. Thanks so much for stopping by my page and I’m glad the videos are helpful. Stay safe and have a wonderful day 🙂



  18. I have been exploring for a little bit for any high-quality articles or blog posts on this kind of area . Exploring in Yahoo I at last stumbled upon this website. Reading this info So i抦 happy to convey that I have a very good uncanny feeling I discovered exactly what I needed. I most certainly will make certain to do not forget this site and give it a glance regularly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello,
      I would have responded to this comment much sooner but it landed in my spam some how. Very sorry about that. Thank you very much for taking an interest in my site. I truly appreciate your comment! 🙂



    1. Hi Valerie,
      Thank you for reaching out. Book of Matthew II: Ancient Evil will be available for FREE download on Halloween, October 31st. Details for this story are in the book trailer. Thanks so much for commenting! Have a wonderful day and stay safe 🙂


  19. Hey I am so glad I found your site, I really found you by mistake, while I was searching on Bing for something else, Nonetheless I am here now and would just like to say thank you for a tremendous post and a all round enjoyable blog (I also love the theme/design), I don抰 have time to go through it all at the moment but I have saved it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read much more, Please do keep up the great job.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Peter,

      I would have replied much sooner but your message landed in my spam folder for some odd reason. I just discovered it this morning. So sorry about the late response. To answer your question, I am not on Twitter or any other social media. I’m glad you’re enjoying the stories. Thanks so much for taking a moment to leave a message! 🙂


  20. I haven’t read your book Mathew II Ancient Evil, but I read the synopsis when it was offered as a free download. The synopsis said something about forbidden love between the plantation heir and a lowly slave. I just want to say the premise is horrendous. No enslaved person can love their owner. It’s just not possible. It’s a disgusting concept. The enslaved person could not refuse anything they were told to do. There is no freedom, no equality, no expectation of reciprocity. Without those things love can not exist. I will not be reading the book, although I should read it just to leave a review.

    Liked by 1 person


      Hi Melisa,

      I understand how someone who admitted to never reading a page would assume the worst but your unfounded accusations couldn’t be further from the truth. Matthew doesn’t own Sarah. His father does. Matthew is a devout Christian who happened to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time. He did not choose his slave owning parents. Sarah did not choose to be born into bondage. Matthew is an apple that fell very far from the tree. While many authors of antebellum novels portray slave characters as mindless one dimensional victims that serve as little more than a background for white main characters, this is not the case with my books. Slave or not, Sarah is a human being with a mind and a heart of her own. She is capable of experiencing complex thoughts and emotions: anger, joy, hope, fear, sadness, and yes even love. Despite their status in life, Sarah and Matthew developed a genuine affection for one another. Neither acted on their feelings because Matthew refused to abuse his power and coerce her into a physical relationship. He’s not some bully who made her do things against her will. In fact, he didn’t even pursue her. A philandering pig named Abraham went to Matthew’s father with an offer to buy Sarah and wed her. Abraham had already impregnated Sarah’s best friend and abandoned her. Though a common occurrence in today’s world, this was a dishonorable and disgusting thing to do at the time. Rather than freeing the woman who was carrying his child Abraham was moving on to the next. For this reason Sarah detested her suitor but as a slave she had no choice in who purchased her. As a slave the only things she had of value were her family and her virtue. She stood to lose both after the sale took place. There was nothing she could do about being torn away from her family but she still had a choice of the man she gave her virtue to. She went to Matthew, a decent respectable man she had always admired. She asked him to take her virginity to prevent the other jerk from doing so. Even then Matthew was reluctant to do such a thing. Sarah explained that as a slave this was one of few decisions she could make for herself so Matthew pushed every Christian value aside to grant her this wish because he loved her. Afterwards he confessed their dilemma to his priest as any good Catholic boy would. The priest told Matthew that a marriage to Sarah may not make a difference in the eyes of the law but it makes a difference in the eyes of God. If they truly loved one another they should marry so they did and kept it a secret until they could run away together. By the time book two occurs they have been living in France happily married for many years. They have two beautiful children. Sarah was not a slave in France and she was never Matthew’s prisoner. She could have left anytime she wanted. These are facts you would have known if you’d actually read the books rather than slinging baseless, grossly inaccurate, inflammatory remarks. Your home library must be incredible given all the books you’ve filled it with merely by judging their covers. Both stories come with warning labels suggesting that they may not be appropriate for you but some people don’t feel complete unless they have something to complain about. So if you insist upon reading the books (or at least pretending to read them anyway) I would suggest skipping the first book because I just spoiled the whole darn thing. Thanks for your comment 🙂



  21. Looking forward to reading this series…sounds fascinating & something I’ve never read before. I found you on a free book site. What is the correct order to read the series?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Liz,

      The books take place in completely different lifetimes so you can jump into any time period that seems interesting and it won’t spoil the other stories. The rare occasion that the reading order matters there will be a note at the beginning of the description in bold print that says which book to read first. Other than that read them anyway you wish. Thanks for trying the stories. I appreciate your comment! 🙂



  22. I was raised to not judge a book by it’s cover, if you were told that a book has certain things you don’t like or feel good about, then don’t read it. It’s up to you and you alone to make up your mind the book!
    So I vote “YES!” 💯
    You’re the author your books are exciting to read and very entertaining, I read rather than watch TV, because reading has always been my passion

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Maria,

      Thanks so much for taking the time to vote! Much like you I would rather read than watch TV. I was reluctant to post the mature novels because I knew I would be under attack by people who haven’t even read the books. With this being a reincarnation series I think it’s worth mentioning that Matthew is a slave in ‘The Fifth Bride of Pharaoh’ but I have never received a complaint. Sarah is a slave in ‘A Crown of Golden Leaves’ and no one complains about that one either. There is a sense of hypocrisy regarding American slavery. It’s acceptable to write about slavery in any other place in the world but if I’m writing an American story I’m expected to pretend that 400 years of history and a war never took place. I just wanted to thank you for giving the books a chance instead of judging them by their covers. I’m glad you are enjoying the stories and I truly appreciate your kind words! 🙂



  23. You could certainly see your enthusiasm in the work you
    write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you
    who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. Always follow your heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for reaching out with such encouraging and thoughtful advice. I’m glad you are enjoying the stories. Per your advice I will follow my heart and I hope you do the same. The world needs genuine people like you 🙂



  24. I was often in dilemma as to how to go about telling a story or describing a scene , the confusion being about characterisation and plot development ;now that I might follow your narrative techniques.

    Your are a master of your own self identity which keeps us reading you by your creations.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Hello Ms dubois I so enjoy your books but tell me are any going to be converted to movies soon cuz all of my movie working I would love to see your book of Matthew your Detroit knights as well as your whole entire family book series turned into movies kind of like Tyler Perry has a series on right now where there are different story lines but it’s a series and I was thinking that you could do the same thing with your Infinity series. I mean I’m just thinking the book of Matthew was started being a major motion picture Blockbuster but then then 50 series as a whole would be a made for television movie series please tell me what you think but I think you’re doing a great job and I love the Detroit nights I would love to see that movie or at least I made for television movie

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Do you have any books in the make making for television or a major movie projects coming up because in the books are definitely movie worthy and I would love to see either an Infinity made for television movie line and or the book of Matthew made into a major Blockbuster movie cuz it has everything the person could ever want in it please tell me what you think I would love to hear from you you are one of my favorite authors and I have called you throughout the years from The book of Matthew all the way up until your latest book

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Ms. Knight,

      I was advised not to write this reply because I have a habit of speaking uncomfortable truths but this is the question that I am most frequently asked by readers. I felt it was important to inform you about the bigotry and hypocrisy that black authors face. It is an uphill battle to have our books become movies because of the types of people who are reviewing and not reviewing the books on Amazon. Some people are so hateful that they will downrate any book they see with a black woman’s face on the cover. When you click on the name of the reviewer on Amazon or Goodreads it reveals that they have written hundreds of negative reviews for authors who fit the same description.

      1. Most bigots are smart enough not to blatantly spew their racism but what they do instead is leave a one star review with a complaint about sexuality in a black book. Then they write a five star review for Fifty Shades of Grey and other white erotica books.

      2. Racist hypocrites will leave a negative comment raising issues of consent for Book of Matthew because Sarah was a slave in the beginning. While they leave positive remarks on books where white women are kidnapped or coerced into sexual acts, unwanted marriages, or both. I’m not joking. Next time you see a negative review on a black author on the basis of consent check the hypocrite’s Goodreads page. You’ll see that they’ve written positive reviews for white books with titles that sound like this: Captive of the Pirate King, Taken by the Viking Lord, Prisoner of the Fae Prince, Abducted by the Alien Master.

      3. Bigots will leave a one star review with a complaint about violence in a black book. When they’ve left multiple positive reviews for Stephen King novels and that’s when they’re not watching The Walking Dead.

      4. Or they will leave a negative review when black books tackle complicated issues like sexual abuse. But when you look on the hypocrite’s Facebook page you see The Outlander listed as one of their favorites… The Outlander that I saw at least two sexual assaults in, one of which was a grizzly torturous sexual assault committed by a man on another man. Not to mention the pregnant woman who was burned at the stake.

      The same women who watch and read these graphic themes with a grin on their face and a bucket of popcorn feel entitled to declare themselves every brown author’s moral authority. A handful of negative comments from ignorant bigots wouldn’t be a problem if not for the fact that people who enjoy the books and want to see them on screen don’t review the books on major platforms like Amazon. Then when producers look for a well rated book series to convert to a movie the only voices they are hearing are that of racist hypocrites. We will be blessed with more tv shows and movies we enjoy when we stop remaining silent while toxic people control the narrative. To answer your question my book series would need at least 5,000 positive ratings on Amazon before producers will even consider bringing it to the movie screen. I have less than a hundred reviews at this time. So if you’d like to see my books on screen please support the Infinity series by going on Amazon and rating any books that you’ve already read. Mention in your review that these books deserve a shot at the big screen. I truly appreciate your comments today. You were instrumental in raising awareness of a major road block for authors of color. Thank you so much for being a reader. Let’s lift every voice and sing 🙂


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